Posts Tagged ‘what do you do all day?’
Puzzles For All Ages
Lots of people like puzzles. They’re fun to work on individually or with friends. Some people like abstract puzzles on paper or in books, while others like the hands-on, three-dimensional variety. Here are some of the many puzzles we’ve enjoyed over the [Read More]
A Seasonal Approach
I love the changing of the seasons, and as homeschoolers we get to enjoy each of them, especially as they blend gradually from one season to the next. Sometimes, in August, people ask me if things change for us much from August to September. The answer to that is usually, [Read More]
Glorious Games!
We love all kinds of games. Over the years we’ve enjoyed a variety of board games, card games, and dice games. Here are a few of our favorites: Bananagrams Oh Scrud! Word fun with cards Apples to Apples: The Game of Hilarious Comparisons! SET: The Family Game of [Read More]
Kapla Building Blocks
Kapla blocks are beautiful, smooth-sanded pine building planks for people of all ages. We got a set of these when Ben was about thirteen, and we’ve loved them ever since. We keep them in a pretty basket in the living or family room so they’re always ready to [Read More]
Math and Literature
When Ben was younger, I loved reading aloud to him. We enjoyed all kinds of good children’s literature. Reading together was a sweet way to spend time together, to learn new things, and to enjoy good stories. At some point, I became familiar with books that [Read More]
Creating Our Own Path
Every day, as much as we can, we try to create the life we want to live, not the life someone else wants us to live. We do our work, our projects, earn income, keep house, grow things, and build things. We read real books, talk with interesting people, go places, explore [Read More]
In our family, we love projects. Big projects, small projects, projects of all kinds. They all involve real activities we pursue because we want to build something, create something, grow something, or find out about something. I’m not talking about projects that we [Read More]
Time to Play
A while back, someone wrote to our local homeschooling group email list and asked the following question: “Do you find you miss the hours of “free play” time when you have lots of stuff scheduled? I guess I’m afraid of running out of time for [Read More]
Spontaneity, Time, and Money
On a trip to the Oregon coast this past summer, when Ben was 16, we enjoyed a spontaneous stop at The Myrtlewood Gallery in Reedsport. It’s part gift shop, part wood shop, and Ben thought they might have some good tonewood lumber there for building guitar bodies. They [Read More]
Learning to Read
Why is it that we can easily understand that toddlers will learn to walk and talk at different ages, in varying ways, yet people still expect that all children will learn to read within the same timetable? If a toddler isn’t walking much by 12 months of age, people [Read More]