Posts Tagged ‘creating our own path’
Bloom Times
Last week, while taking a photo of these first crocus blooms, I noticed that only a few of the yellow flowers were emerging, even though I know I had planted some white and purple crocuses too. I wondered why just the yellow ones were blooming, and then realized [Read More]
What do you see?
When you’re walking around in your everyday life, do you see the mathematics all around you? Do you notice shapes, sizes, angles, and patterns? Do you see the potential for counting and sorting and comparing items? Not as lessons, but just as cool things to [Read More]
Choosing Activities
The topic of classes, camps, programs, and workshops for young or new unschoolers came up on a discussion list this week. It got me thinking about the variety of adventures we’ve enjoyed over the years, and how we went about choosing those we participated in. It [Read More]
I planted this hyacinth bulb over a month ago. For several weeks, only a couple leaves were sprouting up, ever so slowly. The blossoms finally started emerging last week. Since then, it’s taken another week for the blossoms to emerge fully. I enjoyed watching [Read More]
A Seasonal Approach
I love the changing of the seasons, and as homeschoolers we get to enjoy each of them, especially as they blend gradually from one season to the next. Sometimes, in August, people ask me if things change for us much from August to September. The answer to that is usually, [Read More]
Creating Our Own Path
Every day, as much as we can, we try to create the life we want to live, not the life someone else wants us to live. We do our work, our projects, earn income, keep house, grow things, and build things. We read real books, talk with interesting people, go places, explore [Read More]
In our family, we love projects. Big projects, small projects, projects of all kinds. They all involve real activities we pursue because we want to build something, create something, grow something, or find out about something. I’m not talking about projects that we [Read More]
Early Reading vs. Later Reading
Here’s a great article summarizing some newly published research about children learning to read at various ages: Research Finds No Advantage In Learning To Read from Age Five. It’s worth reading. I thought these were a couple of the best quotes: [Read More]
You’ve Got Lots of Time
There’s no need to rush. The days might go by quickly, but the months and years meander slowly on their way. People are often in a hurry to make kids grow up. We want them to be independent at a young age, sleep on their own, wean early, tie their shoes by themselves, [Read More]
Time to Play
A while back, someone wrote to our local homeschooling group email list and asked the following question: “Do you find you miss the hours of “free play” time when you have lots of stuff scheduled? I guess I’m afraid of running out of time for [Read More]