Marcia Miller's Reflections & Resources

Bloom Times

Last week, while taking a photo of these first crocus blooms, I noticed that only a few of the yellow flowers were emerging, even though I know I had planted some white and purple crocuses too.  I wondered why just the yellow ones were blooming, and then realized that’s just the way it is. They each have their own rates of growth, their own individual bloom times. There’s nothing I can do to speed up their growth, to make the purple or white flowers bloom before they’re ready. I can trust that they will bloom in their own time. So I waited.

A week later, the rest of them started blooming, and I was delighted by this expanding bouquet.

It’s often like this with children. Growth rates vary considerably. Sometimes it’s hard to be patient. Whether it’s about learning to read or tying shoes or understanding number concepts, each child has his or her own bloom time. It’s okay to trust the process, and to know that they will grow in their own time. Being patient is worth it.

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2 Comments for “Bloom Times”

  • Shannon says:

    This was posted on my birthday and was a lovely birthday gift. It’s your example that I keep coming back to on my unschooling path. Thanks for creating this web site and constantly reminding us all that not only does unschooling “work,” it enriches our precious relationship with our kids.

    • Marcia Miller says:

      I’m so glad you enjoyed it, Shannon, and thanks for reading! I think enriching our relationship with our kids is the most important part of it all.

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