Archive for February, 2011
Plywood Play Planks
These Plywood Play Planks look like the coolest thing since Lincoln Logs, although on a much grander scale. When I was a kid, I had a little cardboard playhouse that we loved, but of course it fell apart after a while. I can only imagine how fun it would have been to [Read More]
Winter Reading for Snowy Days
While watching the beginnings of some snowfall yesterday with a few families with young children, I noticed how mesmerized the kids were by the beautiful snowflakes. This reminded me of one of our favorite winter books, Snowflake Bentley, by Jacqueline Briggs Martin. [Read More]
Playing with Color Tiles & Cubes
We’ve enjoyed lots of games and activities with one inch wooden color tiles and cubes. Here are a few of the highlights. Scoop and Sort: Scoop a handful of tiles and sort them into various piles, columns, or groupings of colors. How many of each color do you have? [Read More]
Simple Conversations
Simple conversations are the heart of family life. Here’s one I overheard recently: Don came in from the woodshop to talk to Ben while Ben was relaxing in the living room. Don asked, “Do you have any rosewood?” It struck me as a funny question for a dad to ask a [Read More]
What do you see?
When you’re walking around in your everyday life, do you see the mathematics all around you? Do you notice shapes, sizes, angles, and patterns? Do you see the potential for counting and sorting and comparing items? Not as lessons, but just as cool things to [Read More]
Choosing Activities
The topic of classes, camps, programs, and workshops for young or new unschoolers came up on a discussion list this week. It got me thinking about the variety of adventures we’ve enjoyed over the years, and how we went about choosing those we participated in. It [Read More]