Marcia Miller's Reflections & Resources

Camping & Tea Parties for Teens

    In early June, our family enjoyed a camping trip with a few families from our homeschool group. It’s the fifth year we’ve done some type of camping together, and it’s been fun to enjoy this annual tradition.  This year we stayed in cabins at Bay View State Park on Padilla Bay.  Among other various camping activities, the teens enjoyed a woodsy tea party together, including some fancy tea, desserts, and somewhat dressy attire.  Each of them contributed enthusiastically in their own way.

    They found a lovely spot in the woods to enjoy some fancy teas, home-baked cookies, and scones.
    The ladies enjoyed a rest on the porch swing in their tea party finery.
    Bonus beach photo - relaxed and happy teens hanging out together

    I’m grateful we’ve had the chance to get to know these families over the years, and I’m glad these teens can enjoy such simple pleasures together.


    ** Photos by Taylor Miller **

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