Marcia Miller's Reflections & Resources


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Fire Station Field Trip!
Fire Station Field Trip!

After many years of sharing a variety of outings and field trips with our son, Ben, when he was younger, it was great [Read More]


This summer, Ben participated in a two-month intensive fire service training academy through the Getchell Fire [Read More]

Happy New Year
Happy New Year

It’s a lovely new year, with many new days and months to create new adventures for yourself, your family, and [Read More]

Smart, curious, alert, observant…
Smart, curious, alert, observant…

I once again came across this wonderful quote from John Holt, and thought it deserved sharing: “What makes people [Read More]

Create Your Own Graduation Party
Create Your Own Graduation Party

Reilly, Sarah, Ben, Taylor, Tanner After years and years of homeschooling together, five families from our local [Read More]

Hard Work & Recognition
Hard Work & Recognition

Sometimes people question the ideas of unschooling because they wonder how kids will learn to work hard if [Read More]