Posts Tagged ‘play’
Plywood Play Planks
These Plywood Play Planks look like the coolest thing since Lincoln Logs, although on a much grander scale. When I was a kid, I had a little cardboard playhouse that we loved, but of course it fell apart after a while. I can only imagine how fun it would have been to [Read More]
Playing with Color Tiles & Cubes
We’ve enjoyed lots of games and activities with one inch wooden color tiles and cubes. Here are a few of the highlights. Scoop and Sort: Scoop a handful of tiles and sort them into various piles, columns, or groupings of colors. How many of each color do you have? [Read More]
What do you see?
When you’re walking around in your everyday life, do you see the mathematics all around you? Do you notice shapes, sizes, angles, and patterns? Do you see the potential for counting and sorting and comparing items? Not as lessons, but just as cool things to [Read More]
Playing with Geoboards
Geoboards come in a variety of sizes and patterned grids, and they’re lots of fun to play with using an assortment of colorful rubber bands. You can create repetitive designs, six-pointed stars, triangles, squares, hexagons, rectangles, and all kinds of other shapes. [Read More]
Playing with Cuisenaire Rods
Cuisenaire rods are colorful wooden rods ranging from 1cm to 10cm lengths. They’re great for creating patterns, counting, sorting, measuring, adding, multiplying, and all sorts of other fun explorations. Although the rods were originally created for formalized classroom [Read More]
Konexi: The gravity-defying word game
We recently found a great new game called konexi. It’s a 3D word-building game somewhat like Scrabble or Bananagrams plus Jenga. It’s an interactive group game with players trying to build words within the group’s connected tower of letters. Each [Read More]
I Like Legos!
Red Legos, Green Legos, Blue Legos, White Legos, Any kind of Lego, I like Legos! Legos that roll, Legos that race, I like Legos all over the place. Technics are my favorite. Lego guys are too. Axles, motors, wheels and ramps, Next summer I’ll go to Lego camp. Big [Read More]
Puzzles For All Ages
Lots of people like puzzles. They’re fun to work on individually or with friends. Some people like abstract puzzles on paper or in books, while others like the hands-on, three-dimensional variety. Here are some of the many puzzles we’ve enjoyed over the [Read More]
Glorious Games!
We love all kinds of games. Over the years we’ve enjoyed a variety of board games, card games, and dice games. Here are a few of our favorites: Bananagrams Oh Scrud! Word fun with cards Apples to Apples: The Game of Hilarious Comparisons! SET: The Family Game of [Read More]
Kapla Building Blocks
Kapla blocks are beautiful, smooth-sanded pine building planks for people of all ages. We got a set of these when Ben was about thirteen, and we’ve loved them ever since. We keep them in a pretty basket in the living or family room so they’re always ready to [Read More]