Marcia Miller's Reflections & Resources

Posts Tagged ‘projects’

Plywood Play Planks

These Plywood Play Planks look like the coolest thing since Lincoln Logs, although on a much grander scale.  When I was a kid, I had a little cardboard playhouse that we loved, but of course it fell apart after a while.  I can only imagine how fun it would have been to [Read More]

Simple Conversations

Simple Conversations

Simple conversations are the heart of family life. Here’s one I overheard recently: Don came in from the woodshop to talk to Ben while Ben was relaxing in the living room. Don asked, “Do you have any rosewood?” It struck me as a funny question for a dad to ask a [Read More]

A Seasonal Approach

A Seasonal Approach

I love the changing of the seasons, and as homeschoolers we get to enjoy each of them, especially as they blend gradually from one season to the next. Sometimes, in August, people ask me if things change for us much from August to September. The answer to that is usually, [Read More]

Instead of Curriculum

Instead of Curriculum

A variety of good books and magazines according to our interests Games, puzzles, building toys, and other fascinations Family activities, field trips, and travel adventures Musical instruments, power tools, and project supplies Road trips, train trips, and camping trips [Read More]



In our family, we love projects. Big projects, small projects, projects of all kinds. They all involve real activities we pursue because we want to build something, create something, grow something, or find out about something. I’m not talking about projects that we [Read More]

Spontaneity, Time, and Money

Spontaneity, Time, and Money

On a trip to the Oregon coast this past summer, when Ben was 16, we enjoyed a spontaneous stop at The Myrtlewood Gallery in Reedsport. It’s part gift shop, part wood shop, and Ben thought they might have some good tonewood lumber there for building guitar bodies. They [Read More]

Recent Posts

Fire Station Field Trip!

Fire Station Field Trip!

After many years of sharing a variety of outings and field trips with our son, Ben, when he was younger, it was great [Read More]



This summer, Ben participated in a two-month intensive fire service training academy through the Getchell Fire [Read More]

Happy New Year

Happy New Year

It’s a lovely new year, with many new days and months to create new adventures for yourself, your family, and [Read More]

Smart, curious, alert, observant…

Smart, curious, alert, observant…

I once again came across this wonderful quote from John Holt, and thought it deserved sharing: “What makes people [Read More]

Create Your Own Graduation Party

Create Your Own Graduation Party

Reilly, Sarah, Ben, Taylor, Tanner After years and years of homeschooling together, five families from our local [Read More]

Hard Work & Recognition

Hard Work & Recognition

Sometimes people question the ideas of unschooling because they wonder how kids will learn to work hard if [Read More]

A Day at North Bend Fire Training Academy

A Day at North Bend Fire Training Academy

Ben has been participating in a fire service technology class for the past couple years at the Fire District 1 [Read More]

Traveling Adventures

Traveling Adventures

“And when the kids are old enough, we’re gonna teach them to fly…” Thank you, Dave Matthews. [Read More]

18 Years

18 Years

My sweet son, Ben, turned 18 a little over a month ago. I’ve been thinking about what a pleasure it has been to [Read More]

Not Back To School Camp!

Not Back To School Camp!

At the end of August, when most teens are getting ready for school, Ben and a few of his lucky friends are happily [Read More]