Posts Tagged ‘reading’
I Like Legos!
Red Legos, Green Legos, Blue Legos, White Legos, Any kind of Lego, I like Legos! Legos that roll, Legos that race, I like Legos all over the place. Technics are my favorite. Lego guys are too. Axles, motors, wheels and ramps, Next summer I’ll go to Lego camp. Big [Read More]
Glorious Games!
We love all kinds of games. Over the years we’ve enjoyed a variety of board games, card games, and dice games. Here are a few of our favorites: Bananagrams Oh Scrud! Word fun with cards Apples to Apples: The Game of Hilarious Comparisons! SET: The Family Game of [Read More]
Math and Literature
When Ben was younger, I loved reading aloud to him. We enjoyed all kinds of good children’s literature. Reading together was a sweet way to spend time together, to learn new things, and to enjoy good stories. At some point, I became familiar with books that [Read More]
Early Reading vs. Later Reading
Here’s a great article summarizing some newly published research about children learning to read at various ages: Research Finds No Advantage In Learning To Read from Age Five. It’s worth reading. I thought these were a couple of the best quotes: [Read More]
Reading about Reading
At age 8, my son was not interested in reading independently. He could read a few easy reader books with help, if I suggested it, but he really wasn’t interested, and much preferred that I read aloud to him instead. He wasn’t ready to read on his own until age [Read More]
Swallows & Amazons Forever!
Ben enjoyed a new reading milestone for himself this month. For years, we cherished Arthur Ransome’s Swallows & Amazons books, always reading them aloud together. They’re full of exciting adventures and wonderful characters. In the past, Ben didn’t [Read More]
Learning to Read
Why is it that we can easily understand that toddlers will learn to walk and talk at different ages, in varying ways, yet people still expect that all children will learn to read within the same timetable? If a toddler isn’t walking much by 12 months of age, people [Read More]